How to Draw a Donkey

How to Draw a Donkey – Create an Impressive Donkey Sketch

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Have you ever wondered how to draw a donkey after seeing one? If this describes you, you’ve come to the right spot. We walk you through all of the stages required to produce a lifelike donkey drawing in this guided lesson. We lead you through the entire procedure, from obtaining the measurements and proportions right to getting authentic-looking textures and colors in your donkey sketch. If you’re ready to get started, collect your sketching tools, settle down, and let’s get started.



How to Draw a Donkey Step by Step

Donkeys are lovely animals with legions of admirers all around the planet. Even though they are popular, many painters may avoid sketching donkeys because they feel donkeys, like mares, are hard to depict. The goal of all of our creature sketching lessons is to make the experience as simple and pleasant as possible, which is why we developed this simple donkey sketch guide.

Create an Impressive Donkey Sketch

Another goal of our art instructions is flexibility. As a result, this lesson is applicable to a variety of materials and approaches. Whether you are a graphic designer or prefer to use colored pencils or acrylic paints, you can simply adapt and adjust our coloring procedures to achieve the authenticity we want.

We strive to make donkey drawings as easy as we can, which is why we usually begin by laying down the fundamental outline of our animal utilizing construction shapes and lines. An outline of the stages in this lesson, including all of the building processes, may be found below.

Steps in a Donkey Sketch


Step 1: The Main Body Construction

We start by laying the groundwork for our donkey drawing with construction curves. The central torso is the largest portion of the donkey’s body, therefore we’ll start here. To build the basic form for the main structure, you will need a long and thin horizontal oval.

Donkey Sketch 1

Pay close consideration to the positioning of your primary body oval in this initial stage. Make sure the oval is in the exact middle of the canvas and has plenty of room on all sides.


Step 2: Constructing the Donkey Head

The donkey head drawing part is the next step. To depict the form of the donkey’s head, you will draw a circle. This head shape should be somewhat higher and farther apart than the oval used for the main body.

Donkey Sketch 2


Step 3: Creating a Nose Shape for the Donkey

You might have found it weird to draw a sphere to portray the face of a donkey in the previous stage because the head of the donkey is not round but considerably longer. To produce a more natural and identifiable foundation form for the head, we’ll now draw the contour of the nose of the donkey. Merely create a “U” curve sloping downward from the head area towards the lower right to make the nose shape. For seamless transitioning, the “U” formed tip should be as broad as the head circle.

Donkey Sketch 3


Step 4: Creating Ears for the Donkey

Draw two various-sized shapes that resemble carrots that hover just over the skull design circle for your donkey drawing’s ears. Viewpoint is particularly crucial in this phase, and it may be done by varying the size of both ear forms. Because the ear in front is the furthest away from us, it should be slightly smaller than the other one.

Donkey Sketch 4


Step 5: How to Connect the Body and Head of the Donkey

In this phase, we’ll build the neck of the donkey and utilize it to connect the body and head construction forms. This stage entails drawing two curving lines on each side of the donkey’s head. Begin sketching the tip of the neck at the rear of the bigger ear, gradually bending the curve up and then back down to connect the tip of the main section. Simply draw a small curving line from the lower part of the head circle to the right tip of the main structure for the lower part of the neck.

Donkey Sketch 5


Step 6: The Construction of the Rump of the Donkey

Draw a little irregular arched curve from the top of the torso to a position underneath the rear end to produce a more authentic basis shape for the back of your donkey sketch. As seen in the sample picture below, the top of the arch should be somewhat smoothed out.

Donkey Sketch 6


Step 7: Creating the Donkey’s Tail

The final step was required to create the form of the tail in your donkey drawing. Construct a hand-drawn tail form that descends straight down towards the bottom of the painting from the rear of the donkey’s buttocks. The tail’s tip should be pretty pointed and should finish below the lowest part of the body shape. Because we are not sketching a donkey in action, we are sketching the tail in a resting position, simply dangling straight down.

Donkey Sketch 7


Step 8: Creating the Back Legs of the Donkey

Because of the manner in which your donkey is positioned, only one of the rear legs is viewable from our vantage point. To help us get the ratios perfect, we’ll divide the donkey’s legs into three sections. Begin by drawing the upper thighs of your donkey, beginning the backline where the rear form joins the main oval structure. Create a line that bends somewhat towards the front of the painting and finishes in line with the tail’s underside.

Donkey Sketch 8

Complete the top section with another line that finishes at the same level as the first, and connect the two with a little curved line. Following this joint, create the second leg section, which should be almost the same size as the first but somewhat slimmer and oriented further at the front of the painting. Lastly, add a gently squared-off triangular hoof to the hind leg.


Step 9: Creating the Front Leg

Follow the identical steps as you did in the previous stage for the rear leg for the first front leg. Yet, there are a few distinctions to be made. To begin, the front leg’s outlines should be more curved and evenly curved than the back leg’s. Furthermore, the front thigh is somewhat longer than the rear leg, while the bottom leg section is slightly shorter. Lastly, make this foot smaller and more pointy than the hind leg.

Donkey Sketch 9


Step 10: Creating the Other Leg

Perspective only allows us to see the second front leg because of how our donkey is positioned. To do so, we’ll partly sketch in the base of the other front leg sticking out from behind the original. Start the second leg at the midpoint of the thigh section and gradually move the arc out behind the first front leg. The opposite side of the leg should never be seen, and you should only draw a half hoof at the bottom of the other leg.

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Step 11: Creating the Complete Outline for the Donkey Sketch

In this stage, you’ll utilize all of the construction elements you’ve sketched so far to build the final shape of your donkey design, and you’ll add some details to the donkey head drawing.

Let’s start at the top of the snout, drawing a flat line from between the two ears and all the right down to the point of the nose. In this shape, there should be a small protrusion right over the eye. Construct a square but curved edge at the bottom of the nose and drop it in somewhat before sketching the lip gap and features. While creating the facial contour, add nasal features by sketching a tiny circle and a small curving line just above the mouth. Create a lime-shaped eye and then tear lines around it at the peak of the head.

Donkey Sketch 11

Trace the construction outlines precisely for the ears, drawing the sides of the ear nearest to us down into the face shape. Add a line to the frontal part of both ears to make it look three-dimensional and to show that the ears are both pointing towards the front. You may next trace the contour of your donkey sketch down the neck, across the spine, and around the buttocks, paying particular attention to the structural forms. You may add a fluffy finish to the tail by using a bunch of small lines.

For the majority, the remainder of the donkey’s shape may be followed pretty precisely by following the construction outlines. You don’t have to define the connection between the thigh and the lower leg, but you may use tiny lines to create the illusion of hair around these parts. When you’ve finished your outline and are satisfied with the outcome, you may remove any lingering building lines.


Step 12: Sketching the Hair and Details

This stage may appear to be difficult, but it is really rather basic to perform. At the tip of the donkey’s neck, we start covering the full body with hair texture. Construct the short mane on the donkey’s neck with short hair strokes, going up until it touches the ears. To add volume and character to the face’s textural complexity, use very short strokes and dots in a circular fashion looping around the facial characteristics.

Donkey Sketch 12

The orientation of your hair pattern lines should be guided by the form of the donkey’s body and head. Keep adding complexity in this manner across the remainder of the donkey’s frame, using large lines on the upper half and smaller ones around the stomach and limbs. Long lines should be added inside the tail, as well as a few sketched lines along with the three hooves.


Step 13: Adding the Base Coat Color

It is advisable to build up the colors and textures in multiple levels to achieve a realistic coat color. We’re starting the coloring procedure by applying a medium brown base coat to the whole torso of the donkey. Add an even application of this brown hue to your donkey sketch with a regular brush.

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Step 14: Adding the Next Coat of Color

You’ll use a very sheer coating of white paint to provide highlights to different sections of the fur for the second color application. Because the donkey’s snout and tummy are a separate hue from the remainder of its body, you may completely paint these regions with the white color. You may now use the same white color to add highlight areas to the remainder of the donkey’s body, such as down the top of the neck, on the rear, on the limbs, all around the ears and eyes, and anywhere else that light would typically fall.

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Step 15: Making the Second Coat Lighter

In this stage, you’ll go over the white layer of paint again to make it lighter and more prominent. You want to accentuate the highlight hue of the donkey’s nose and tummy specifically. Spread and mix a second coat of white paint throughout the already highlighted sections using a medium-soft brush. The center points of every highlight should be brilliant and gradually fade into brown.

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Step 16: Adding Contours and Shadows

We’ve now applied some highlights to our donkey sketch, and it’s now essential to add the other part of the composition: shade. Add black paint with a medium brush to the portions of the donkey’s torso that would ordinarily be obscured from the source of light.

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The bottom of the jaw, between both the ears, at the root of the ears, on the very point of the snout, all around eyes, the bottom of the throat, the stomach borders around the limbs, on the connections of the thighs, the rear of the buttocks, and around the back of the donkey are all examples of these regions.


Step 17: The Last Touches to Complete The Donkey Drawing

This final step is discretionary, but it results in a cleaner, more cohesive drawing. All you have to do is trace over the contour and some of the texture features with a fine brush and the matching color to remove them. This approach is a simple way to transform your donkey sketch from lovely to spectacular!

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Congratulations for making it all the way through our how-to draw a donkey lesson! We hope you liked the donkey sketching method and are now more comfortable with your building, sketching, and coloring abilities.



Frequently Asked Questions


Is it Possible for Anybody to Learn How to Draw a Donkey?

You certainly can! Understanding how to sketch a donkey may appear to be a difficult endeavor, but with this simple donkey drawing lesson, you will have all the information you need to produce gorgeous and lifelike donkey sketches. Just follow each step in whatever medium you prefer to work in and you will have a beautiful piece of art in no time! Do not worry if your finished artwork looks different from ours, it takes time to perfect your technique and everyone’s expression is unique. Feel free to use whatever medium you are most at home with.


What is the Difference Between A Donkey Head Drawing and a Horse Head Drawing?

Horses and donkeys are undoubtedly linked, and their bodies have similar shapes. Sketching a donkey’s head is similar to drawing a horse’s head, but it is easier. Horses, donkeys, mules, and ponies are all part of the equine family.


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