How to Draw a Sphere

How to Draw a Sphere – Drawing Spherical Objects Made Easy

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The perfect geometric circle is notoriously difficult to sketch freehand, and the task may become even more difficult when you contemplate incorporating three dimensions to your sketch of a sphere. Understanding how to draw a three-dimensional sphere is surprisingly much simpler than you may think; the key is to create an accurate illusion of the fall of light across the surface of the sphere to accentuate the three-dimensional aspects of your sphere drawings. In this simple sphere drawing lesson, we walk you through all of the fundamental techniques and also demonstrate how to shade a sphere.



Our Guide on How to Draw a Realistic-Looking 3D Sphere

When you first try to create a drawing of a sphere, it might be difficult. We feel that, as with all of our drawing tutorials, it is better to take it step by step and set it all up before diving into the shading part. The graphic below shows us the basic structure of the 10 steps to follow in our sphere shading instruction. We start with a basic circle and go to a three-dimensional space before discovering how to shade a sphere.

Sphere Sketch Steps

A pencil is the finest medium for this basic sphere drawing since it permits you to produce clean and subtle highlights and shadows. If you want to create with a visual tablet, you may produce a fairly similar result, but no paint media is recommended. We propose very delicate and easily blendable graphite pencils for the shaded sphere.


Step 1: Create a Basic Circle Shape

The first step on how to draw a sphere begins here! This initial step is pretty basic and straightforward; however, it may require some experience if you are creating freehand. You could use compasses or a round item as a template for your circle if you don’t want to spend more time than necessary.  Simply create a wide empty circle in the middle of your panel.

Sphere Sketch 1


Step 2: Creation of the Field Base

When drawing a 3D sphere, it is critical to construct what is referred to as a ‘visual field’ surrounding your sphere. This is accomplished by creating a basic vertical line through the lower third of the spherical drawing. By drawing a distinction between the sphere and the other surface, this line quickly adds an impression of three-dimensionality to your sphere drawings. In subsequent sections, we will add shade to this new field to accentuate our three-dimensional sphere sketches.

Sphere Sketch 2


Step 3: Emphasizing Perspective

To produce a more accurate viewpoint to our sphere drawings, eliminate the vertical line that overlaps inside the border of your sphere sketch. This baseline should be positioned just behind the sphere as well as the shadow it produces in the final drawing, so we don’t want it to interfere with the actual sphere. At this specific point in the lesson, your spherical design should resemble the one pictured in the graphic below.

Sphere Sketch 3


Step 4: Shading the First Layer of Your Sphere

In this phase, we’ll apply the initial spherical shading touch. As with any shading in art, we would like the first layer to be as light as possible and progressively build it up to get a realistic but not overly dark appearance. Shade the inside of your spherical drawing lightly with one of the sides of a rather soft pencil, allowing faint spots of white throughout the image. To smooth out your darkened sphere, softly smear and wipe the graphite with a soft towel or a gentle brush.

Sphere Sketch 4


Step 5: Start Shading the Perspective Line

Now that we’ve finished the first layer of shade in our sphere sketches, we’ll move on to the perspective line. This is when the magic of three-dimensionality actually comes to life. With the same pencil and shade method you used for the sphere, begin drawing a lighter shadow below the perspective line that bends down and around the base of the sphere. The shade on the left side of the sphere should be somewhat darker than the rest than the shade on the right. To enhance the shadow’s smoothness and softness, smear it out with a fresh clean towel or brush.

Sphere Sketch 5


Step 6: Shade Your Sphere by Incorporating a Light Source

Choosing a direction from which the light falls across your shaded sphere is another critical part of how to draw a 3d sphere. The light in our sphere drawing comes from the front right corner, casting a highlighted area on the top right section of the shaded sphere. Because the sphere throws shadows on the opposite side of the shape, the top right area will be lighter than the bottom left. Apply an additional light layer of shade around the edges of the sphere to emphasize the highlighted section. Blend once more to ensure a smooth and delicate transition between the darker regions of the shaded sphere to the highlighted point.

Sphere Sketch 6


Step 7: Creating the Second Shadow Layer

We added additional shade to the sphere itself in the previous stage, and in this phase, we’ll enhance the shadow surrounding the perspective line even more. The most crucial component of this phase is to consider the light source and make the shadows on the left of the sphere are noticeably darker than the shadow on the right. We’ll now blend the darker shadow into the first layer of shading, close to the perspective line and shaded sphere area. You want the shadow to fade gradually, so that the initial shadow layer can be seen around the borders.

Sphere Sketch 7

Then, within the sphere, repeat the technique, adding shadow solely around the edge and softly blending it in toward the center of the picture. Always keep in mind the light source, and make the left-hand side of the shaded sphere just a tad darker than the right. As always, you want to complete the shading by smoothing and smudging out the shadows with your preferred material.


Step 8: Continuation of the Shadow Building

In this phase of our spherical drawing lesson, we’re doing nothing new. Repeat the last step, this time adding an additional layer of shade within the sphere shape itself and on the left-hand side of the perspective line. Reduce the size of the darkest darkened part and blend it out, as you did in the previous step until the previous layers are still visible. In this phase, you may start to concentrate your spherical shade on the left and bottom edges, leaving the top and right edges substantially lighter. You want a smooth and delicate gradient in your shadows to generate genuine sphere shading and a proper three-dimensional effect.

Sphere Sketch 8


Step 9: The Last Step of Shading Your Sphere Drawing

We will now apply a final, deeper layer of shade to the sphere shape and perspective line in this last shading phase. Perhaps you would prefer to darken the sphere’s boundaries and the perspective line’s tip on the far-left side of the sphere considerably. You’ll want to use your soft hand towel or mixing brush to merge the dark shadows into the lighter layers as smoothly as possible for this final shading phase.  Smoother is usually better when it comes to generating 3D sphere shading.

Sphere Sketch 9


Step 10: Completing the Shaded Sphere Drawing

In this last phase of our simple sphere sketch lesson, you’ll remove the sphere’s edges and perspective line, as well as add some finishing highlights to the darkened sphere’s center. Begin this stage by deleting the baseline and spherical outlines. In the example below, deleting the contour on the sphere’s bottom left side gives a lovely highlight that distinguishes the shaded sphere from the area behind it. Next, using a soft eraser – preferably a putty eraser – carefully wipe the graphite from the middle of the sphere’s main light source region. Gently delete additional regions surrounding this primary light point with circular strokes to create a brilliant and colorful highlight. Finally, smudge together all of the highlights and shadows to produce a smooth and sleek finish on your spherical painting. To somewhat mix everything together, use your preferred method and massage the spherical in circular motions.

Sphere Sketch 10


You have now made a lovely shaded drawing of a realistic-looking sphere in only ten simple steps! Rest assured, you will become adept at determining a light source and generating realistic shade and highlighting across the surface of your sphere with time and experience. We hope you enjoyed this quick lesson on how to draw a sphere and shade it properly.



Frequently Asked Questions


Is it Difficult to Learn How to Draw a Sphere and Shade it Properly?

When you first start shading a sphere design, it may appear scary because we have long felt that sketching a circle is difficult enough, let alone understanding how to draw a three-dimensional sphere. Our guide solves this by guiding you through a simple and straightforward 10-step process for creating gorgeous spherical drawings.


Will This Guide Teach Me How to Draw a 3D Sphere Accurately?

If you would like to learn how to create realistic 3D spheres then you have arrived at the right place! We lead you through all of the required procedures to help you produce lifelike and three-dimensional spherical sketches in this simple sphere drawing lesson. It’s critical to understand where to put highlights and shadows.


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