epoxy garage floor cost

How Much Does an Epoxy Garage Floor Cost – A Cost Breakdown

The cost of epoxy flooring (including installation) will cost you an average of 3 to 12 dollars per square foot; however, the majority of the cost will go toward labor costs. The cost of the material to be used will also depend on the square footage of the area.



Professional Epoxy Garage Floor Coatings

Epoxy garage floor costing ranges from 4 to 12 dollars per square foot in the Portland area and can be used in a variety of industries. One of the disadvantages to epoxy resin is that it has poor UV resistant properties; it can also peel off of the surface of the road when it comes into contact with car tires (also known as ‘hot-tire pickup’).

When preparing the surface to apply a coat of epoxy resin, applying an acid wash is simply not enough and will require a process known as shot blasting or diamond grinding to prepare the surface properly and remove substances known as bond-breakers (oil, gas, grease) from the surface. Generally, there is a warranty period of 12 -36 months for installations in the Portland area; always check that your warranty is in writing.

epoxy floor cost



High-End and Low-End Prices

The starting price for a standard colored epoxy resin is 3 to 5 dollars all-inclusive of the labor cost and the materials needed for a concrete slab. For flake epoxy flooring this cost will then be nudged up to around 6 dollars per concrete slab and bumped up to 12 dollars for metallic garage floor epoxy which requires a more involved application process.


Do it Yourself Kits

These kits are available at most home improvement stores. The kits also come with instructions on how to prepare and coat the surface; alternatively, most stores will also offer to install it for you if you would prefer not to do it yourself. However, the recommended preparation time is usually not sufficient for sufficient bonding and most of these installations will eventually have to be removed and replaced.



How Much Does It Cost to Epoxy a 2 Car Garage?

Standard DIY kits for 2 door garages can go up to 700 dollars to coat your garage floor and usually come without a warranty. Other DIY kits that include all the materials you will need range from 50 dollars to 600 dollars.

For a 250 square foot area, you can expect to pay 250 dollars for a DIY kit to cover this area. If you are not purchasing the full kit, however, you will need to remember to purchase a cleaner or degreaser, a sealant, and application tools as added extras.

garage epoxy floor



Polyurethane Garage Floor Coatings

Five to seven dollars per square foot is what it will usually cost you for this type of epoxy floor coating and is still considered the more popular of floor coatings and is used today for many industries, however for garage floor coatings epoxy is no longer the preferred option.

Polyurethane has now become more suitable to use for garage flooring due to its UV-resistant properties, abrasion resistance, and is longer lasting ensuring your garage floors remain in good condition for years to come.

Many homeowners are now installing polyurethane garage flooring as this material is designed to last a lifetime and will require little maintenance with a maximum of 4 coats needing to be applied during this time. Again, ensure that your contractor is approved and provides a warranty.

epoxy floor
Images bhakpong – stock.adobe.com



Epoxy Floor Coating Myths

Professionally installed garage floors can be really expensive, but they don’t have to be. Professional epoxy floor coatings will cost you as little as 6 dollars per square foot for a 2-car garage on concrete in good condition.

Epoxy is similar to paint and can be described as a liquid that converts to a solid when applied to a surface. But not paint can be considered as being epoxy as epoxy has certain unique properties unique to it that include it being an end product of epoxy resin combined with special hardeners.

A typical floor or wall paint will be 1 to 2 mils in thickness but this aside our epoxies have superior bond strength, abrasion resistance, and UV protection. It is also considered more flexible than paint. For epoxy to be applied correctly, the concrete surface needs a surface profile of 2 or more. A profile that has this rating will mean that the surface area has been cleaned sufficiently, the concrete pores have been opened enough, and that there is a rough enough surface for the epoxy to be applied to.

For the garage floor to be maintained in good condition, it is recommended that you should ideally apply a coating every 1 to 3 years; however, it is most commonly required for home improvement epoxy kits if the surface was improperly prepared, or if the installation was not applied with industry grade quality coatings. A professionally installed epoxy floor will usually last 10 years with no additional effort required to maintain the floor.

how much does it cost to epoxy 2 garage



Other Types of Epoxy Flooring Costs

The cost of epoxy floors can depend on many factors such as location and the purpose for which you are applying it (i.e. for design purposes or just for practical reasons).


Epoxy Basement Floor

The cost involved in sealing a basement floor range from 3 to 12 dollars per square foot. An epoxy coating provides durability and a waterproof finish for areas with high foot traffic. It helps to protect from water damage and this is especially important if you wish to lay the concrete with carpet, wood, or other types of flooring.



For kitchen floor surfaces, it will usually cost around 3 to 12 dollars per square foot but will also depend on the color you choose and if it has any special finishes to it.

It can also be applied to many designs and textures. Traditionally used for mainly industrial uses epoxy is being more commonly used for kitchens and other indoor home uses as it provides a smooth glossy finish and is long-lasting and is easy to clean.

epoxy flooring cost
Images: Bannafarsai_Stock, BELL KA PANG / shutterstock.com


Sealing Concrete Driveways

Between 85 dollars to 160 dollars is what it will cost you to seal a driveway of 1000 square feet but this will depend on where you live and the weather conditions that the driveway is exposed to.


Epoxy flooring offers a durable and attractive solution for many different areas. Compared to many other flooring options, epoxy can also be an affordable route to take. This is something that can be done as a DIY project or with professional help. Either way, you will end up with a clear, resistant floor that looks great in all kinds of situations.


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